Visual: The mind can see it. Example: The glow of the forest fire gave all the trees a red hue.
Auditory: The mind can hear it. Example: The waves slapped gently against the shore, over and over.
Olfactory: The mind can smell it. Example: I was awakened by the strong smell of a freshly brewed coffee.
Gustatory: The mind can taste it. Example: The stench of the dirty canal made bile rise in my throat.
Tactile: The mind can touch it. Example: The sweltering summer heat soaks her dress in sweat.
Organic: The mind can sense a bodily sensation like fear, hunger, or thirst. Example: Wearily, the soldier slumped to the ground with the heavy weight of defeat.
Kinesthetic: The mind can see movement, action, or internal tension. Example: A butterfly swiftly flutters its wings.