Pronator Teres

Cards (7)

  • Pronator Teres:
    • Forms medial border cubital fossa
    • Two heads & most lateral of superficial forearm flexors
  • O (origin):
    Humeral head:
    • medial supracondylar ridge (lower aspect)
    • adjacent intermuscular septum and common flexor tendon (CFT) on medial epicondyle
    A) Pronator teres
    B) humeral
  • R (direction):
    • Laterally and downwards
    A) Pronator teres
  • I (insertions):
    • Middle of lateral surface of radius (flattened oval area)
    A) Pronator teres
  • A (actions):
    • Pronation of forearm
    • Weak flexor of elbow
    A) Pronator teres
  • NS (nerve supply):
    • Median nerve (C5 - T1)
    A) Pronator teres
  • O (origin):
    Ulnar head:
    • pronator ridge inferior to coronoid process on ulna
    A) Pronator teres
    B) ulnar