Thales of Miletus believes that earth floats in water. First Greek philosopher and also considered as the father of philosophy.
Anaximander believes that earth shape like cylinder
Anaximenes argued that air is the fundamental elements.
Xenophanes claimed that there is a single God. He did not subscribe to the idea of an anthromorphic God
Socrates has Socratic method is also known as “elenchus” that means to inquire or to cross examine. “Unexamined life is not worth living”,
Socrates is considered as Father of Western Philosophy.
Aristotle is the Father of Logic According to Pythagoras, the third class of people is the best kind who goes to the games as they are spectators who seek to arrive truth.
ETHICS - Came from the term ETHOS meaning MORAL
AESTHETIC - Study of Art and Beauty
EPISTEMOLOGY - Derived from the word EPISTEME. Study of knowledge
LOGIC - Study of Reasoning
METAPHYSICS - Study of Existence and Reality
Deductive Argument is a method of ascertaining validity.
Inductiveargument is what we might call the logic of science or the logic of everyday life
Hollistic Point of View looks all the aspects of the given problem or situation.
Partial point of view looks only a limited number of aspects of the given problem or situation.