
Cards (35)

  • Contemporary - living or occurring at the same time
  • Globalization - is a trans planetary process or a set of processes
    involving increasing liquidity and the growing multidirectional flows of people, objects,
    places, and information as well as the structures they encounter and create that are barriers
    to or expedite those flows.
  • Appadurai, Arjun (1996) - said globalization is a world of things that have different speeds,
    axes, points of origin and termination and varied relationships to institutional structures in
    different regions, nations or societies.
  • Immanuel, Walterstein - states that globalization represents the triumph of a capitalist’s world
    economy tied together by a global division of labor.
  • Albrow Martin - globalization of all those process by which the peoples of the world are incorporated into a single world society.
  • Anni Kruager- it is a phenomenon by which economic agents in any given part of the world are much more affected by events elsewhere in the world.
  • Solidity - refers to barriers that prevent or make difficult the movement of things
  • Natural Solids - Landforms(mountain, valley, island), Bodies of Water(lakes, ocean, river)
  • Man Made Solids - Great Wall of China, Berlin Wall
  • Liquid- is a state of matter takes the shapes of its container. It refers to the increasing ease
    of movement of people, things, information and places in the contemporary world.
  • Flows- described as the melting process of solid phenomena followed by increase in
    liquidity. These are the movement of people, things, places and information brought by the
    growing “porosity” of global limitation.
  • Homogeneity - refers to the increasing same in the world as cultural inputs, economic
    factors, and political orientations of societies and similar forms of government.
  • Homogeneity - is often linked to cultural imperialism. This means, a given
    culture influences other culture. For example, dominant religion in our country is
    Christianity, which was bought to us by the Spaniards.
  • Heterogeneity - the creations of various political practices, new economies, and political groups because of interaction
  • Cultural Differentialism - cultures are essentially different and are only superficially affected by global flows. different "civilizations" would lead to intense clashes. not permanent
  • Cultural Hybridization - emphasizes the integration of local and global cultures. Globalization is considered to be a creative process which gives rise to HYBRID entities that are not reducible to either the global or the local. inter-merge( bata pinoy-kano )
  • Cultural Convergence - one culture impose itself on and tends to destroy at least parts pf another culture ( bata pinoy-kano nangasawa hapon )
  • Glocalization - a process wherein nations, corporation, etc. impose themselves on geographic areas in order to gain profits, power, and so on.
  • Deterirorialization - says it is more difficult to tie culture to a specific geographic point of origin. more than 2
  • Origins of Globalization - hardwired, cycles, epoch, events, broader
  • Hardwired - proposed by Nayan Chanda (2007)
  • Hardwired - talks about basic human needs etc for better life
  • Cycles - the notion to suspect that this point of globalization will soon disappear or reappear
  • Epoch - events that cannot be forgotten, such as wars, disasters
  • Events - some important happenings in the past, such as invention of things
  • Broader - happened in the last half of the 20th century. recent changes happened
  • Demographic Transition - a singular historical period during which mortality and fertility rate decline from high to low levels in a particular country/region
  • Vagabonds - are on the move because they have to be. they are not faring well in their home countries and are forced to move in the hope that their circumstances will improve
  • Tourists - are on the move because they want to be and because they can afford it
  • Refugees - are vagabonds force to flee their home countries due to safety concerns
  • Labor Migration - those who migrate to find work
  • Push Factor - lack of employment opportunities in their home countries
  • Pull Factor - labor shortage, looking for workers
  • Media Imperialism - undermines the existence of alternative global media originating from developing countries, such as ai, tv
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) - has “one size fits all” approach