pre-service teachers with the natrure, moral porpuse and mission of the teaching profession
It explores the philosophical, ethical, and accountabilities of teachers within national and global standards
It delves into the teaching competencies of 21st-century teachers, stages in becoming a professional teacher, legal bases, recent educational reforms, and teachers' roles in society as transformative agents of change
Teaching is an intimate contact between a more mature personality and a less mature one
Teaching is an interactive process involving classroom talk between teacher and pupil during certain activities
Teaching is a task performed by a teacher for the development of a child
Teaching is the process that facilitates learning
Teaching is a cluster of activities noted about teachers' explaining, questioning, motivating, taking attendance, keeping records of works, learners' progress, and background information
Dimensions of the teaching profession:
The Why of Teaching (Entering the Profession)
The Who of Teaching (Learners)
The When of Teaching (Evolution of Teacher Education)
The How of Teaching (Pedagogy)
The What of Teaching (Curriculum)
The Where of Teaching (Field Placement)
Teaching is considered the noblest profession
Teachers love children or like to make a big difference in the lives of children
Teaching gives pre-service teachers a point of reflection on the purpose of entering the profession
Learners are the reasons for the existence of teachers, schools, and administrators
Pre-service teachers must understand the nature of learners, their differences, motivations, learning styles, intelligences, socio-cultural backgrounds, and academic performance
Teaching is an evolving profession, continually changing across time
The 21st century presents a different social landscape for learners, necessitating a change in pre-service teachers' mindsets on what, how, and where to teach
Teachers are required to find means to enhance learners' learning
Teachers become subject tacticians with a rich repertoire of teaching strategies
Teachers teach differently from other professionals by employing varied teaching approaches and utilizing meaningful activities for better learning outcomes
The curriculum constitutes educational content, goals, intended outcomes, and competencies to be taught and developed among learners
Pre-service teachers need a comprehensive understanding of the curriculum as the basis of all teachers' actions
Teaching and learning take place anywhere at any time with the advent of technology
Pre-service teachers need to be updated on the various alternative venues of teaching
Teaching as an art:
Teachers are considered artists like musicians, dancers, painters, and sculptors
They demonstrate creativity, reflection, and innovation in their work
Teachers use teaching as a medium to express themselves
The art of teaching reflects the teacher's personality
Teaching as a science:
Teaching is done systematically and orderly
It entails deep knowledge and application of effective techniques from empirical studies
Generalizations drawn from research about effective teaching and learning reflect the science element in teaching
Teaching as a craft:
Teaching combines science and art, resulting in a craft
Teachers are like conductors who combine learning science and teaching craft through creativity and talent
Teaching is a craft-profession because teachers apply rules governing the application of knowledge and psychology of learning and teaching
Teaching as a mission:
Teachers are commissioned to develop human resources and transform lives of learners
Teaching is a self-giving enterprise that allows teachers to partake in the development of humanity
Teaching is a mission that requires commitment, preparation, and continuing professional education
Teaching as a vocation:
Teaching is a profession where teachers are summoned to touch lives and partake in the total formation and transformation of young people
Teachers who positively respond to their calling perceive teaching as a lifetime commitment
A profession is a vocation or occupation requiring advanced education and training, involving intellectual skills
A professional upholds dignity and the highest standards of the profession
Professional Autonomy:
Defined as the right and privilege provided to professionals to provide services independent of supervision
Allows professionals like teachers, lawyers, accountants, and doctors to determine their own actions and behavior
Characteristics of a Professional:
Specialized knowledge base (technical culture)
Commitment to meeting client needs (service ethics)