Types of Larvae

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  • Eruciform Caterpillar- Body cylindrical with short thoracic legs and 2-10 pairs of fleshy abdominal prolegs. Moths and butterflies
  • Campodeiform (Crawler) - Elongated, flattened body with prominent antennae and cerci. Thoracic legs adapted for
    running. Lady beetle, Lacewing
  • Scarabaeiform (White grub) - Body robust and “ C-
    shaped” with no abdominal prolegs and
    short thoracic legs. June beetle, Dung beetle
  • Elateriform (Wireworm) - Body long, smooth, and
    cylindrical with hard exoskeleton and very short thoracic legs. Mealworm
  • Vermiform (Maggot) - Body fleshy, worm-like. No head capsule or walking legs. Housefly, Fleshfly
  • Types of Pupae
    Exarate (Sculptured) - All developing appendages free and visible externally. Beetles, Lacewings, Bees
  • Types of Pupae
    Coarctate (Puparium) - Body encased within the hard exoskeleton of the
    next to the last larval instar. Flies
  • Types of Pupae
    Obtect (Chrysalis) - Developing appendages like antennae, wings, legs, etc. held tightly against the body by a shell-like casing.
    Often found enclosed within a silken cocoon.
    Butterflies, Moths