In unicellular organisms, substances can easily enter the cell due to a short diffusion distance, while in multicellular organisms, the diffusion distance is larger because of a lower surface area to volume ratio
Multicellular organisms require specialised exchangesystems for efficient gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen due to their lower surface area to volume ratio
Single-celled organisms have a short distance for substances to enter the cell, while multicellular organisms have a larger distance due to a smaller surface area to volume ratio
Due to their higher surface area to volume ratio, multicellular organisms require specialised exchange surfaces for efficient gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen
Functions include making up the cytoskeleton, intracellular transport, holding organelles in place, and forming centrioles, spindle fibers, flagella, and cilia
In multicellular organisms, specialised exchange surfaces are required for efficient gas exchange due to the larger distance for substances to cross over
The cytoskeleton, composed of microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules, plays a crucial role in determining cellular shape and motility