An organisms genome contains many variable number tandem repeats. Which are repeating sequences of nucleotides that appear next to each other (in tandem).
The probability of two individuals having the same Variable number tandem repeats (VNTR) is very low. This allows genetic fingerprinting to determine genetic relationships and the genetic variability within a population using VNTRs.
Genetic fingerprinting analyses DNA fragments that have been cloned by PCR.
The use of genetic fingerprinting is used in the following areas:
forensic science- to determine if someone was present at a crime scene
Medical diagnosis- diagnosis of inherited disease such as Huntington's disease.
animal and plant breeding- to prevent unwanted inbreeding in captive breeding programs .
Genetic fingerprinting:
extraction- DNA is extracted from the sample
digestion - Restriction endonucleases cut the DNA into fragments
separation- Fragments are separated using gel electrophoresis.
separation(cont.)- DNA fragments are transferred from the gel to nylon membrane in a process known as southern blotting.
Hybridization-DNA probes are added to label the fragments.
development- membrane with radioactively labelled DNA fragments is placed onto an x-ray film.
development(cont.)- development of x-ray film reveals dark bands where the radioactive DNA probes have attatched.
DNA probe-Short single stranded DNA fragments that are labelled either radioactively or fluorescently.
Introns consists variable number tandem repeats (VNTR) which are long sequences of repeating nucleotides that do not code for anything.
DNA probes have complementary base sequences to VNTRS (for genetic fingerprinting ) and are labelled either radioactively or fluorescently.
DNA samples for genetic fingerprinting can be collected from ; blood , body cells , hair follicles , saliva.
For genetic fingerprinting DNA sample is amplified using polymerase chain reaction.
in digestion for genetic fingerprinting restriction endonuclease is complementary to VNTR's.
For genetic fingerprinting in separation the DNA strand becomes a single strand through addition of alkaline solution.
in genetic fingerprinting the results of hybridization are transferred to nylon sheets and then placed onto x-ray film. Agar cracks as it dries making it not suitable to hold DNA strands + probes.