Departments, bureaus, offices, and other instrumentalities of the NGA, including the congress, the judiciary, the constitution jodies, state college, and universities, and other self-contained institutions and hospital arerequired by law
Departments, bureaus, offices, and other instrumentalities of the NGA, including the congress, the judiciary, the constitution jodies, state college, and universities, and other self-contained institutions and hospital arerequired by law
Process of preparation, presentation and submission of general purpose financial statements and other reports The objective is to provide inform . ation about the entity that is useful to users for accountability purposes and decision-making
Created in 2008 under COA Resolution No. 2008-12 to assist the commission in formulating and implementing Phil. Public Sector Accounting Standards (PPSAS).
The registry shall be maintained by the Budget Division/ Unit by Appropiation Act, fund cluster, by major final output (MFO) or program/activity/project (pap) for financial expenses
Registry of allotments, Obligations and disbursement- fiancial expenses