7G Level C VW Unit 10 Definitions

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  • apt
    (adj.) suitable, fitting, likely; quick to learn
  • awry
    (adj., adv.) in a turned or twisted position or direction; wrong, out of the right or hoped-for course
  • blugeon
    (n.) a short club used as a weapon; (v.) to strike with a heavy club; to use force or strong arguments to gain some point
  • capitulate
    (v.) to end resistance, give up, surrender, throw in the towel
  • chafe
    (v.) to warm by rubbing; to wear sore by rubbing; to feel annoyance or dissatisfaction, annoy, irk; to strain or press against; (n.) a sore or injury caused by rubbing
  • defile
    (v., trans.) to make unclean or dirty, destroy the purity of; (v., intrans.) to march in a single line or in columns; (n.) a narrow passage; gorge, canyon
  • dire
    (adj.) dreadful, causing fear or suffering; warning of trouble to come; demanding immediate action to avoid disaster
  • disarming
    (adj.) charming, tending to get rid of unfriendliness or suspicion
  • disgruntled
    (adj., part) in bad humor, discontented, annoyed
  • encroach
    (v.) to advance beyond the usual or proper limits, trespass
  • endow
    (v.) to furnish, equip, provide with funds or some other desirable thing or quality
  • fend
    (v.) to ward off, resist; to get along, manage
  • impunity
    (n.) freedom from punishment
  • mien
    (n.) air, manner; appearance; expression
  • penal
    (adj.) having to do with punishment
  • pertinent
    (adj.) related to the matter at hand, to the point
  • predominant
    (adj.) the greatest in strength or power; most common
  • prodigy
    (n.) something wonderful or marvelous; something monstrous or abnormal; an unusual feat; a child or young person with extraordinary ability or talent
  • recluse
    (n.) a person who leads a life shut up or withdrawn from the world
  • renown
    (n.) fame, glory
  • accord
    (n.) agreement, harmony; (v.) to agree, be in harmony or bring into harmony; to grant, bestow on
  • barter
    (n.) an exchange in trade; (v.) to exchange goods
  • curt
    (adj.) short, rudely brief
  • devise
    (v.) to think out, plan, figure out, invent, create
  • dexterous
    (adj.) skillful in the use of hands or body; clever
  • engross
    (v.) to occupy the complete attention, absorb fully
  • entail
    (v.) to put a burden on, impose, require, involve; to restrict ownership of property by limiting inheritance; (n.) such a restriction
  • ferret
    (n.) a kind of weasel; (v.) to search or hunt out; to torment, badger
  • habituate
    (v.) to become used to; to cause to become used to
  • impending
    (adj., part.) about to happen, hanging over in a menacing way
  • personable
    (adj.) pleasing in appearance or personality, attractive
  • rue
    (v.) to regret, be sorry for; (n.) a feeling of regret
  • scoff
    (v.) to make fun of; to show contempt for
  • transition
    (n.) a change from one state or condition to another
  • trepidation
    (n.) fear, fright, trembling
  • upbraid
    (v.) to blame, scold, find fault with
  • veritable
    (adj.) actual, true, real
  • vex
    (v.) to annoy, anger, exasperate; to confuse, baffle
  • vitality
    (n.) strength, energy, liveliness; the capacity to live and develop; the power to endure or survive
  • whimsical
    (adj.) subject to odd ideas, notions, or fancies; playful; unpredictable