Cards (4)

  • Different methods of tax avoidance offered by tax havens include:
    • Corporate profit-shifting - where a TNC's headquarters is located in a low-tax country
    • Wealthy people can move to a tax haven and live there or they can invest their money in a trust in a tax haven
    • tax havens offer a way of avoiding paying tax, but also reduces investment in LDEs and encourages corruption
    • Tax avoidance uses legal loopholes to reduce a company's or personal tax bill
  • Advantages of tax havens:
    • Deliver economic boost and growth
    • tax havens offer a centralised tax centre
    • Tax havens can develop quickly and recover from recessions even quicker
    • Deregulation of capital markets has enabled growth of tax havens and other low-tax environments 
    • provide homes for wealthy expatriates with benefits for them and their employees
    • TNCs may use havens/low-tax financial centres to increase profits
  • Disadvantages of Tax-havens:
    • TNCs pay very little tax, leaving the government with less money for domestic services
    • Investing abroad reduces money available to invest in their own country
    • Tax havens allow individuals to avoid declaring income to their home governments. This increases corruption in HDEs and LDEs
    • Some organisations have resisted this deregulation and globalisation and attempted to retain or regain control
    • nations are unlikely to take action to tackle tax havens
    • Growing inequalities