Consciousness - the subjective experience of perceiving oneself and one's surroundings
Brain Death
No brain activity
No response to stimulus
Low brain activity
No response to stimulus
Vegetative State
Low brain activity
Responds to stimulus
Circadian Rhythm-a rhythm of activity and inactivity lasting about a day
Vegetative States
appears like a coma
can sometimes appear coherent
may smile
may be aware of their surrounding
Insomnia - not enough sleep for the person to feel rested the next day
Continuous process, impacts day-to-day life
Sleep Apnea - when sleeping, you stop breathing for a minute or more and then wake up gasping for breath
Can be treated with CPAP
Sleep Apnea and Insomnia are diagnosed by a sleep study
Narcolepsy - sudden attacks of sleepiness during the day
Night Terror - causes someone to awaken screaming and sweating with a racing heart rate, sometimes flailing with the arms and pounding the walls occur during Stage 3 or Stage 4 of sleep