transmission across synapse

Cards (9)

  • step 1?
    Nerve impulses reaches axon terminal, activating voltage gated Ca ion channels
  • step 2?
    Voltage gated Ca channels opens and Calcium enters axon terminals
  • step 3?
    Calcium entry causes neurotransmitter-containing synaptic vesicles to release their contents by exocytosis
  • step 4?
    Neurotransmitter diffuses across synaptic cleft and binds to receptor of post synaptic membrane
  • step 5?
    stimulates ligand-gated protein channels to open, allowing influx of Na and initiates action potential in post synaptic neuron
  • What is action potential?
    High speed signals that pass along axons of nerve cells
  • What is synapse?
    very small gap, connection, between adjacent neurons
  • Neurotransmitters?
    Molecules that carries a nerve impulse across synapse
    Chemical secreted into the gap between neurons at a synapse
  • What is a synaptic bulb?
    Structure at end of axon that has vesicles with chemicals