Orbital Motion

Cards (13)

  • Centripetal Force - the resultant force that is necessary to keep and object moving in a curved path
    • acts towards the centre of a circle
    • When an object moves in a circle at a constant speed, it is constantly changing velocity
    • A change in direction causes a change in velocity
    • A change in velocity results in acceleration
    • So an object moving in a circular path is accelerating even though its speed may be constant
    • An object will only accelerate if a resultant force acts on it
    • For an object moving in a circle, the resultant force is the centripetal force that acts towards the centre of the circle
    • Gravitational attraction provides the centripetal force needed to keep things in orbit
  • Planets that are further away from the star they are orbiting take longer to complete one resolution due a larger orbital radius
    • as you get further away, gravity gets weaker
  • Solar System - our sun and planets
  • Star - a large ball of gas
  • Moon - orbits a planet
  • Planets - orbits a start
  • Acceleration - the rate of change of velocity
  • Satellite - objects orbiting planets or stars
  • Orbit - a full resolution around something
  • Ellipse - non-circular orbit
  • Geostationary Orbit:
    • high altitude but at a low speed
    • orbital path is parallel to the equator
    • fixed position relative to the Earth's surface
    • e.g - communication satellites
  • Polar Orbit:
    • low altitude but at a high speed
    • orbital path over Earth's poles
    • changing position relative to Earth's surface
    • e.g - monitoring satellites to cover different regions