Charlie Brooker Article

Cards (10)

  • Purpose?
    To express an opinion and inform / entertain on the harmful effects of social media / communications
  • Audience?
    1 - Guardian (and broadsheet) readers - socially progressive and left leaning target
    2 - educated, adult
    3 - fans of brooker + satire
  • Context?
    1 - Brooker is a satirist, writer, producer and presenter
    2 - Public persona versus private life; he finds the idea of 'celebrity' as a distasteful concept
    3 - He is famous - wrote black mirror.
    4 - rising social media platforms
    5 - he is a regular writing of the guardian
  • What voices does Brooker project?
    Acerbic / Satirical
    Self - deprecatory
  • Topic?
    He has been critisized for turning the comments off in some of his articles: so he writes this article in response.
  • Theme?
    In our modern society, we talk too much and do not reflect on what is being said.
  • 'Now get out.'
    Whilst this is a callback, his voice is extremely forceful and confrontational.
  • Techniques
    Direct Address / meta comment through parenthetical aside
    Extended metaphor through lexical field of environment and pollution.
    Bathos / Hyperbole - all the way through talks about something important and then makes a joke.
  • Genre = article / opinion piece
  • Key quote: 'firing more words into the middle of all that began to strike me as futile and unnecessary'
    Semantic field of war + pushing the extended metaphor into the idea of online communication being a battle ground.