A theory of political power in liberal democracies which argues that power is spread out among numerous different interest groups and that the state mediates between these interests in the national interest.
Black power
A social movement that developed out of the Black Civil Rights movement in the USA in the 1960s dedicated to Black empowerment
Making an act or omission against the criminal law
Liberal democracies
Countries such as those in Western Europe and North America with political systems based on representative democracy in which individual rights and freedoms are officially recognised and protected
Characteristics that are seen as socially discrediting
Designed to reduce an individual's social status
People who are seen as living outside the boundary of respectable society
Master status
A social status that overwhelms all the other statuses that a person has
Self-fulfilling prophecy
A prediction that comes true because it provokes people to act in ways that produce the predicted outcome
Deviant career
A life-path based on pursuing socially disapproved activities
Moral crusade
The campaign waged by moral entrepreneurs in order to get the law changed.
Phenomenological sociologists see the social world as comprising sets of social meanings that constitute reality for the members of society. They reject the idea that there is an objective social reality underlying
Reintegrative shaming
Treating offenders in a way which allows them to remain a part of society while making clear that they have done something morally wrong.
Disintegrative shaming
Penal policies based on the idea that the way to reform offenders is to publicly shame them
Identifying something as in need of examination rather than as something to be taken at face value
Individuals or groups who are treated as inferior by society
Deviance disavowal
To 'disavow' something is to claim it is untrue, so deviance disavowl is the rejection of a deviant label.