CT scans or computed tomography scans provide a comprehensive 3D representation of the inner structures of the body using X-rays and computer reconstruction.
rays are produced when charged particles are decelerated, transforming their kinetic energy rapidly into high-frequency photons
rays used in medical imaging are often referred to as soft X-rays, having energies generally lower than gamma rays
In X-ray tubes, a vacuum tube is used to prevent electrons from colliding with air molecules before emitting X-rays
An external power supply creates a potential difference between the cathode and anode, allowing electrons to gain kinetic energy of up to 200keV
Upon collision, electrons decelerate rapidly, emitting about 1% of their kinetic energy as X-rays, with the rest lost to thermal energy in the anode
The X-rays emitted in all directions from the anode are directed into a collimator to further collimate the beam
rays of various energies are produced, with lower energy X-rays contributing to the overall X-ray dose received by the patient
Modern X-ray systems use digital detectors instead of photographic films for easier processing, storage, and transmission using computers
Attenuation refers to the gradual decrease in the intensity of X-rays as they pass through matter
Radiographers aim to reduce patient exposure to harmful X-rays and improve image contrast for clearer visualization of different tissues
Intensifier screens contain phosphor material that emits visible light when absorbing X-ray photons, reducing patient exposure by a factor of 100 to 500
Image intensifiers in digital systems convert incoming X-rays into visible light photons, which can be electronically stored and viewed
Image intensifiers are useful in fluoroscopy, providing real-time images without exposing the patient to dangerous levels of X-rays
A contrast medium, such as iodine or barium, enhances image contrast by being a good absorber of X-rays, making tissues more visible
ray imaging is limited as it provides a two-dimensional shadow image, showing structures at different depths superimposed on each other
Computerised axial tomography (CAT or CT scanner) uses a computer to control scanning motion and data manipulation to produce slice images through the patient
Many CT exams require patients to hold their breath to eliminate blurring caused by breathing or other motion
One technique for generating ultrasound waves involves the piezoelectric effect exhibited by crystals like quartz
Crystals like quartz produce mechanical deformation when a potential difference is applied across them
Conversely, when the crystal is mechanically caused to expand or contract, a potential difference is produced across it
The device used to produce ultrasound waves is called an ultrasonic transducer
When an alternating potential difference is applied to the transducer, periodic changes in stress occur, leading to forced vibrations with the same frequency as the applied potential difference
The crystal then emits a pulse of ultrasound waves into the medium it is coupled with
If ultrasound waves hit the crystal face, the crystal becomes deformed, converting some sound energy into electrical energy and producing a potential difference across the crystal
The potential difference is amplified and displayed on the cathode ray tube
Clear distinct echoes are obtained by using short pulses, which require vibrations to be damped out quickly by bonding a damping material (epoxy resin) to the back face of the crystal
The function of the transducer is two-fold: to generate the pulse of ultrasound and then to act as a detector of the returning echoes
The frequency of ultrasound is crucial because:
Higher frequency leads to higher resolution and the ability to distinguish smaller structures
Ultrasound provides two main pieces of information about the boundary:
Depth: the time delay between transmission and receipt of the pulse
Nature: amount of transmitted intensity received, which varies depending on the type of tissue
Simplest type of ultrasound scan
A pulse of ultrasound is sent into the body and the reflected 'echoes' are detected and displayed on an oscilloscope or computer screen as a voltage-time graph
A pulse generator controls the ultrasound transducer and triggers a pulse of ultrasound that travels into the patient, starting a trace on the screen
Each partial reflection of the ultrasound appears as a spike on the screen
Information about the depth of reflecting tissues can be obtained from the positions of the spikes along the time axis; their relative amplitudes can indicate the nature of the reflecting surfaces
Used for straightforward procedures like measuring the thickness of the eye lens
Equation to determine the thickness of a material:
(Speed X Δt )/2
Ultrasound is attenuated as it passes into the body, and the energy of the ultrasound is absorbed, so the reflections must be amplified
In a particular A-scan, the time interval between pulses 1 and 2 is 12 μs.
The speed of ultrasound in bone is about 4000 m/s. Determine the thickness of the bone
Detailed image of a cross-section through the patient is built up from many A-scans
Ultrasound transducer is moved across the patient's body in the area of interest, with its position and orientation determined by small sensors attached to it
Each reflected pulse is analyzed to determine the depth of the reflecting surface
A two-dimensional image is built up on a screen by positioning dots to represent the position of the reflecting surfaces, with brightness determined by the intensity of the reflection
In a B-scan, dots are produced on the screen rather than pulses as in the A-scan. By moving the transducer, a series of dots on the screen traces out the shape of the organ being examined
Issues with B-scan:
It takes several seconds for the scanner to move across the body, leading to problems if the organs of interest are moving, resulting in a blurred image
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is used for investigating, diagnosing, and monitoring the treatment of various conditions such as cancers, heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, brain function, Alzheimer's disease, and other forms of dementia
PET involves injecting a small amount of tracer, known as a radiotracer, into a vein. This tracer travels through the body, is absorbed by organs and tissues, and the radiation emitted is used to produce images
PET scanners require a radioactive isotope that decays by β+ emission
When a positron is emitted from a tracer in the body, it travels a short distance before colliding with an electron. The positron and electron annihilate, converting their mass into pure energy in the form of two gamma rays moving in opposite directions