A group of organisms that includes an ancestor and all of its descendants.
Prokaryotes lack nuclei and cellular organelles.
Prokaryotic cells have cell walls made of peptidoglycan. and circular cromosomes
Reproduce via binary fission
Cell walls help prokaryotes in avoiding harm
In bacteria: DNA is found in the cytoplasm and is not enclosed in a nucleus.
In bacteria endospores can be formed, this preserves the cell's genetic material in times of extremestress. And can remain dormant until conditions improve.
Most motile bacteria use flagella to move around, but some use pili to attach to surfaces
How is binary fission different from mitosis ?
There is no spindle, no centrioles
How can they adapt without sexual reproduction?
Mutations (because of the large populations these mutations happen often) Combination
Vertical gene transfer: The transfer of genetic information during reproduction from one generation to the next through the gametes
Horizontal gene transfer is the transfer of genetic material from one organism to another by simple diffusion.
Conjugation : Sex without reproduction, it's the genetic transfer between two individuals. One way transfer of genetic information. DNA transferred to the recipient using a structure called pilus.
Transformation: A bacterium takes up a piece of DNA floating in its environment, often DNA shed by an other bacteria.
Transduction: Viruses that infect bacteria move short pieces of chromosomal DNA from one bacterium to the other.
Obligate anareobes: Organisms that are poisoned by Oxygen
Obligate aerobes : Must use oxygen
The first prokaryotes were chemoheterotrophs that absorbed organic molecules from the environment