
Cards (48)

  • Two vast and trunkless legs of stone - ozymandias
  • Sneer of cold command - ozymandiaz
  • King of kings - ozymandias
  • Ye mighty and despair! - Ozymandias
  • Nothing beside remains - ozymandias
  • Round the decay - Ozymandias
  • Colossal wreck - Ozymandias
  • Boundless and bare - Ozymandias
  • Each chartered street - London
  • Marks of weakness, marks of woe - Ozymandia
  • in Every cry of every man, in every infants cry of fear, in every voice - London
  • Half a league, half a league, half a league onwards - Charg of the light brigade
  • All in the valley of death - Charge of the light bridage
  • Rode the six hundred - Charge of the light brigade
  • Into the jaws of death - Charge of the light brigade
  • Into the mouth of hell - charge of the light brigade
  • Sabre-stroke shattered and sunder’d - Charge of the light brigade
  • in the merciless iced east winds that knives us - Exposure
  • But nothing happens - exposure (REPETITION)
  • Is it that bad e are dying? - exposure
  • Slowly our ghosts drag home - exposure
  • Kind fires burn - exposure
  • Exploding comfortably- storm on the island
  • Space is a salvo - storm on the island
  • We are bombarded by the empty air - storm on the isalnd
  • Huge nothing - storm on the island
  • He awoke and was running raw - bayonet charge
  • His heavy sweat - bayonet charge
  • Bullets smacking the belly out of air - bayonet chatge
  • Cold clockwork of the stars and the nations - bayonet charge
  • Threw up a yellow hare that rolled like a flame - bayonet charge
  • King, honour, human dignity, etcetera - bayonet charge
  • The image of agony - remains
  • Tosses his guts Back into his body- remains )
  • Well myself and somebody else and somebody else - Remains
  • I see every round as it rips through his life - remains
  • Drink and the drugs won’t flush him out - Remains
  • He’s here in my head when I close my eyes
  • His bloody life in my bloody hands - Remains
  • I wanted to graze my nose against the tip of your nose - Poppies