Cards (20)

  • Amplitude
    Max displacement from the equilibrium position
  • Damping
    Work done by the resistive forces to reduce the amplitude of vibration and Ek
  • Equation for acceleration using SHM graph
  • Equation for displacement using SHM graph
  • Equation for velocity using SHM graph
  • Forced vibration
    When a driver forces an object to vibrate at a frequency other than its natural frequency
  • Natural frequency
    Frequency of vibration of a free moving object undergoing shm
  • Problem with resonance
    Wind causes bridges to resonate Wind is the driver Bridges is being driven
  • Problem with resonance
    Wind causes bridges to resonate Wind is the driver Bridges is being driven
  • Resonance
    When the energy of an oscillator, driven at its natural frequency, increases (amplitude also increases)
  • SHM conditions
    Acceleration is proportional to displacement from equilibrium Acceleration acts towards equilibrium
  • Simple harmonic motion
    Oscillating objects with acceleration towards the equilibrium position, that is proportional to the displacement from it
  • Useful application of resonance
    Cooking: microwaves cause water molecules to resonate Microwaves are the driver Water molecules are being driven
  • When does resonance occur
    When driving frequency matches natural frequency
  • Resonance energy graph
    Kinetic energy max at 0 displacement
    Potential energy max at amplitude
  • Equation for Time independent from gravity
    Where k is the spring constant
  • Equation for Time independent from mass
    Where L is the length
  • Light damping
    Occurs naturally and the Amplitude decreases exponentially
    Eg pendulum in air
  • Heavy damping
    Amplitude decreases dramatically
    Eg pendulum in water
  • Critical damping
    Object stops before one oscillation is complete
    Eg pendulum in treacle