Incarnation, Resurrection and Ascension

Cards (13)

  • The Incarnation
    God becoming man
  • Incarnation: 'The Word became.....................'

    'The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us
  • How does the Incarnation influence Christians?
    Shows that God was fully human
  • Cruxifiction, benevolence: 'Father...............'

    'Father forgive them for they know not what they do
  • Why was the crucxifiction important?
    It brought humans salvation from sin
  • How does the crucifixion influence Christians?
    - a christian may sacrifice their life to save others, because Jesus did
    - it could influence them to sing hymns to remember his crucifixion because it is important to remember his sacrifice
    - could influence them to worship more because it shows how loving God is that he gave his 'only begotten son' through pain and suffering to save others. - shows God is worthy of all praise
  • How important is the resurrection of Jesus?
    The resurrection of Jesus is, for most Christians, the most significant event. It is seen as the ultimate miracle and indicates that death is not the end.
  • How does the resurrection influence Christians today?
    they will believe in life after death
  • What happened in the resurrection?
    -3 days after the crucxifiction female followers went to the tomb of Jesus
    -It was empty
    -2 men in white robes appeared and said Jesus had returned from the dead
  • What happened in the ascension?
    40 days after his resurrection, Jesus told his disciples that they must stay in Jerusalem and that they would receive the power of the Holy Spirit. Then, Jesus was taken up into a cloud. Two men in white appeared and told the disciples that Jesus had gone to Heaven.
  • What influence does the ascension have on christians today?
    -Jesus's final miracle
    -Proves his divinity that he ascended into the sky
  • Resurrection, 'The Lord.............'
    The Lord is risen indeed!
  • Ascension, 'No one has ascended............................'
    No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man