Right Ventricle Hypertrophy occurs due to mitral valve stenosis, backing up blood through the pulmonary circuit and creating afterload for the right ventricle
Mitral regurgitation involves blood flowing back through the mitral valve to the atria, leading to a reduction in EF, preload, afterload, and oxygen delivery
Aortic regurgitation is caused by an incompetent aortic valve, leading to increased end-diastolic volume, hypertrophy, and sometimes bounding peripheral pulses
Ischemia is cell injury caused by the failure of the body to meet the cell's oxygen demand, while infarction is cell death caused by untreated ischemia
Angina pectoris is chest pain related to ischemia without infarction, with stable angina related to stenotic atherosclerosis and unstable angina caused by clot or plaque blocking coronary vessels
Prinzmetal Angina is an unpredictable attack due to coronary vessel spasm, often occurring after hours of sleep and treated by calcium channel blockers
NSTEMI is a non-full thickness myocardial infarction treated by various medications, while STEMI is a full-thickness MI usually treated by PCI or thrombolysis