Originally proposed by A.N Whitehead (C19-20th) and then adapted by David Griffin (C20-21st)
God is connected to the physical world and is not transcendent
Griffin rejected ex nihilo. He pointed to an alternative translation of Genesis 1:1-3
Instead of creating the world from scratch, God simply just persuaded matter to come together and form something
Solves the problem of evil as because God is not omnipotent, he cannot help with suffering
Issues with process theodicy
Is a God that isn't omnipotentworthy of worship?
Process theodicy has been criticised for being too liberal and undermining traditional Christian beliefs about God
Theodicies are attempts to reconcile the existence of evil with the belief in an omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent
Theodicies are attempts to explain how God can be all powerful, good and loving yet allow evil to exist.
God is immanent, meaning that he cannot intervene in the world from the outside to stop evil.
God has the power to influence humanity, only he cannot control people's behaviour or the world's events. God cannot override human freewill
Instead, God tries to persuade us to do good.
God is intimately involved in the world, not at an epistemic distance
God suffers to when moral evil stops him from being able to help humanity to be better
A.N Whitehead - God is "the fellow sufferer who understands"
Moral evil exists as humans chose to do evil, and were created imperfectly
Natural evil exists as the world has the potential to go wrong
Strengths of Process Thought
Removes the logical problem, by agreeing with Mackie's inconsistent triad, God is not omnipotent
Strengths of Process Thought
It explains why natural evil exists - the world was made from imperfect substances to begin with, so has the potential to go wrong
Strengths of Process Thought
God has a personal experience of what people are going through - comforting, strengthens believers relationship with Him. God is not distant
Strengths of Process Thought
Concurrent with evolutionary theory - God is seen as being responsible for it. This removes the problem of the creation story being scientifically inaccurate
Weaknesses of Process Thought
Not a theodicy - Process Theodicy is not a justification of God in the face of evil, because it no longer upholds his three characteristics. Unacceptable on religious and philisophical grounds
Weaknesses of Process Thought
Co-sufferer is only comforting if God is regarded as omnipotent - It is God's choice to suffer with us
Weaknesses of Process Thought
Why is this God worthy of worship?
Weaknesses of Process Thought
Logically, there is no guarantee in this process that good with triumph over evil in the end