Afrocelt release question

Cards (41)

  • What music do afro celt sound system make?
    Fusion of African, Celtic and electronic dance music
  • What African forces were used?
    Talking drum
  • What Celtic forces were used?
    Hurdy gurdy
    Uillean pipes
  • what western (dance) forces are used?
    Male and female vox
    Breath samples
    Drum machine
    Electric piano
  • what playing techniques are used
    double stopping
    open and closed hi hat
  • what is the structure of release?
    verse 1
    verse 2
    verse 3
    there are no choruses
  • what does the intro start with?
    C on a drone noise by synth tones in free time with no modulation
  • What happens to the layers in bar 19?
    Layers increase- talking drum, synth strings drone, vocal samples are added
  • What happens in bar 50 to establish a steady tempo?
    Drum machine
  • When does female vocalisation enter?
    Bars 1 and 19 using heavy reverb and panning with synth and drum loops
  • What happens in verse 1?
    Female singing voice enters
  • What texture it at the start of verse 1?
    Homophonic as simple chords are playing
  • What takes over the shaker in verse 1?
    Tambourine playing steady semi quavers
  • What enters at the end of verse 1?
    Kora along with low synth strings playing ascending chromatic line
  • What is before the breath sample at the end of verse 1?
    Bodhran solo then bass loop giving modal quality
  • What vocals enter in verse 2?
    Male variating verse 1
  • What happens to the instruments in verse 2?
    Drum patterns become more complicates and fiddle appears playing accompaniment
  • What techniques does the fiddle use in verse 2?
    Double stopping
  • What enters towards the end of verse 2?
    Low chromatic synth strings
  • What leads to the solos?
    Short drum and bass link
  • How do the instruments in the solo sections start?
    Uilleann pipes – whistle (an octave higher)
  • How does the whistle play during the solo section?
    Running semi quavers with occasional glissando
  • What are the solos accompanied by?
    Accordion loop (playing accented chords) bodhran
  • What instrument does the solo continue with?
    Whistle playing a more complicated version of the pipe solo.
  • How is the whistle solo different from the pipes solo?
    More complicated
    increased rhythmic variety (demisemiquavers)
  • what accompanies the low whistle?
    Synth strings and accordion
    (bass loop drops out)
  • What enters the at the end of the solos?
    Male vocals (short phrases)
    Hurdy gurdy and bass
  • What takes over in verse 3?
    Female voice
  • What instruments play underneath the main vocals in verse 3?
    Hurdy gurdy and uilleann pipe (creating polyphonic texture)
  • What does the synth sample play in verse 3?
    Static chords
  • In verse 3 what instrument accompanies the male voice?
    Low chromatic low synth strings
  • What layers are in the build?
    Electric piano at the top
    Underneath- second electric piano
  • What is the first electric piano playing in the build?
    Syncopates 2 note melody (F and G) over arpeggio semiquaver accompaniment
  • What is the second piano electric playing in the build?
    Oscillating pattern of two notes (Eb and F)
  • What happens in the build when the electric pianos drop out?
    Hurdy gurdy enters
    Female vocal samples interject as a new uilleann pipe solo loop
  • What texture is created in the build?
    Heterophonic texture
  • What happens to the instruments in the outro?
    Bass loop drops out and second fiddle re-enters
    2 electric piano loops enter as all the loops drop out
    Music fades out
  • What melodic techniques are used?
    Use of vocables
    Main verse is syllabic
    Some spoken parts
    Short phrases
     Limited range for the female vocal (6th). The male has a more extended range of a 13th
    Vocal samples
    Sense of improvisation from opening female vocals
    Use of glissando
    Use of ornamentation (acciaccatura)
    Use of reverb in the whole track.
  • What textural devices are used?
    Constantly changing
    Use of layering
    Mainly homophonic
    Heterophonic texture
     Polyphonic texture.
  • What harmony and tonality were used?
    Key of C minor
    Chord sequences are repetitive
    Hint of chromaticism
    Use of extended chords (7th, 9th)
     Slow harmonic pulse
     Use of drone.