Module 1

Cards (155)

  • Macro -

    Large, visible to naked eye
  • Micro -

    Small, not visable to the naked eye
  • hyper-
    High, above nornal, elevated
  • hypo-
    Low, below normal, decreased
  • Eu-/Normo-
  • Pan-/Omni
    All ex: panorama
  • arthralgia (arthr/algia) -

    pain in a joint
  • cytology (cyt/o/logy) -
    study of cells
  • excision (ex/cis/ion)

    process of cutting out
  • gynecology (gynec/o/logy)

    study of women
  • nephrectomy (nephr/ectomy)

    Removal of kidney
  • gastroenteritis (gastro/enter/itis)

    inflammation of the stomach and intestines
  • opthalmoscope (ophthalm/o/scope)

    Instrument to view the eye
  • Cranial body cavity contains:
    brain, pituitary gland
  • Thoracic body cavity contains:
    Chest cavity with lungs, heart, esophagus and trachea
  • Abdominal body cavity contains:
    Stomach, intestines, spleen, liver, pancreas, and gall bladder
  • Pelvic body cavity contains:
    Urinary bladder, female reproductive structures and lower parts of intensities
  • Spinal body cavity contains:
    spinal cord
  • what are the 4 divisions of the spinal cord -
    cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal
  • Craniotomy(crani/o/tomy)

    Process of cutting into the skull
  • histology (hist/o/logy)
    study of tissue
  • karyotype (kary/o/type)
    Picture of classification of the nucleus
  • Adduction
    Movement of a limb toward the midline of the body.
  • Benign
    Term for something noncancerous.
  • Bilateral
    Having two sides.
  • Catabolism
    A metabolic process in which complex substances are broken down into simple compounds.
  • Cephalic
    Pertaining to the head.
  • Contraindication
    A factor the prohibits the administration a drug or an act in the care of a patient.
  • Dorsiflexion
    To bend or flex backward from the anatomical position.
  • Dysplasia
    Any abnormal development of tissues or organs.
  • Electroencephalogram
    A graphic chart in which is traced the electrical potential produced by brain cells as detected by electrodes placed on the scalp.
  • Epigastric
    Pertaining to the epigastrium, the area above the stomach.
  • Erythrocyte
    Mature red blood cell.
  • Homeostasis
    The tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.
  • Hypogastric
    Pertaining to the hypogastrium.
  • Ischemia
    A decreased supply of oxygenated blood to a body part.
  • Larynx
    The organ of the voice that is part of the upper air passage.
  • Leukemia
    A group of malignant neoplasms of hematopoietic tissues characterized by diffuse replacement of bone marrow or lymph nodes.
  • Malaise
    A vague, uneasy feeling of body weakness, distress or discomfort.
  • Metabolism
    The total of all chemical processes that take place in a living organism.