
Cards (5)

  • Defininition
    Includes cultural products that have low status and are enjoyed by everyone.
    Popular culture includes art like hip hop or rock music, fast food like pizza, clothing like hoodies or T-shirts, sports like football, slang language (such as saying "hi" or "yo" to a friend) and lifestyles involving watching TV, playing video games, beach holidays and going to the pub.
    Popular culture is often stigmatised: instead of conferring status on people who enjoy it or produce it, it marks you out as tasteless, unsophisticated, uneducated or vulgar
  • Membership
    Popular culture is inclusive: it's meant to be enjoyed by ordinary people. There are few or no barriers to entry: anyone can dance to popular music, enjoy a big budget Hollywood movie or eat a burger.
  • Hollywood
    The term 'Hollywood' has come to be shorthand for the mainstream American film industry that makes big budget mass-entertainment movies with internationally- famous stars that are watched all over the world. Hollywood is also termed 'the Dream Factory' because it helps people escape their everyday lives.
  • Storey's ideas show that Popular Culture is probably the hardest to define: it means different things to different perspectives
  • offers 6 definitions of popular culture:
    (1) culture that is widely-liked (no stigma )
    (2) the opposite of High Culture (stigmatised)
    (3) mass produced culture that exploits ordinary consumers (a Marxist view + Consumer Culture)
    (4) authentic culture created by ordinary people (folk culture)
    (5) a negotiated culture imposed by the ruling classes but ordinary I people are free to discard parts of it
    (6) a pick'n'mix! -high and low cultural ideas that people can embrace or discard