Metabolism = all enzyme controlled chemical reactions in the body
Anabolic reactions - building up molecules e.g. Protein synthesis
Catabolic reactions - breaking down molecules e.g. digestion
Enzyme structure & properties:
catalysts (biological)
Exogonic = release energy
Endergonic = take in energy (require)
Enzymes act:
extracellular - some enzymes are secreted from cells by exocytosis and catalyseextracellular reactions
intracellular, in solution - enzymes act in solution inside the cells
intracellular, membrane-bound - enzymes may be attached to membranes
Lock and key model:
unique shape of activesite means an enzyme can only catalyse one type of reaction
enzyme & substrate bind to form enzyme-substrate complexes
Induced fit model:
enzymes shape slightly altered when binding to substrate, suggests it’s flexible and not rigid
enzymes shape alters slightly to accommodate substrate, strain on the substrate lowers the activation energy
Factors affecting enzyme (T):
temperature - increases kinetic energy of enzyme and substrate molecules -> collide more successfully, with enough energy, more frequently -> increase rate of reaction
High temperature, molecules increasing in vibration breaks hydrogen bonds, changing tertiary + secondary structure -> alters shape of active site so substrate is no longer complimentary and no longer can form enzyme-substrate complexes -> enzyme denatures
Low temperature, enzyme inactive -> molecules have low kinetic energy
Factors affecting enzyme activity:
Enzymes have an optimum pH where the rate of reaction is at its highest
SmallpH changes cause a reversible change in enzyme activity, leading to a reduction in enzyme activity
Charges on the amino acid side-chains facilitate the binding of the substrate
Enzyme inhibition = decrease in rate of an enzyme-controlled reaction by another molecule, inhibitor, binds with an enzyme to prevent enzyme-substrate complexes forming
Competitive inhibitor:
has a similar shape to the substrate, complimentary to the active site
inhibits the substrate from binding and forming enzyme-substrate complexes
reduce the rate at which products are formed -> reduce rate of reaction
can be overcome by an increase in substrateconcentration
Factors affecting enzyme (S):
if constant, rate of reaction increases if substrateconcentrationincreases
low substrate concentration, enzyme molecules have only a few substrate molecules to successfullycollide with
high substrate concentration, activesites are filled -> increase rate of reaction (enzyme-substrate complexes formed)
substrate concentration is a limitingreactant
at critical condition, all activesites are used -> rate of reaction is at maximum
when active sites are full, enzyme is saturated -> line plateaus -> substrate concentration no longer limitingreactant
Factors affecting enzymes (E):
enzymes can be reused once product leaves the active site
constant unless substrate is limited -> then plateaus
competitive inhibitors are reversible, as if the substrate concentration increases, substrate morelikely to bind to activesite than inhibitor
Non-competitive inhibitor = bind to the allosteric site, instead of the active site
Non-competitive inhibitor:
inhibitor binds to allostericsite -> forms an enzyme-Inhibitor complex
cause conformational change to the enzymes active site -> substrate is no longer complimentary and able to bind -> unable to form enzyme-substratecomplexes
Whether non-competitive is reversible depends on the type of bonding
Immobilised enzyme = a way of trapping enzymes within or binding enzymes to an inert matrix
Ways to immobilise:
adsorption - fixed to a surface of an inertmaterial by weakforces like hydrogen bonds
covalent bonding - covalentlybound to an inert material
encapsulation - traps them in an inert matrix that forms a partially permeable membrane around them
cross linking - enzymes covalently bound to one another to form large clumps
Advantages of immobilised enzyme:
products are not contaminated with the enzyme
enzymes are easily recovered for reuse
Increased stability
function over wider temperatures and pH, compared to free enzymes
enzymes can be easily added or removed -> greater control of reaction