Gold Rush was when people were rushing to places with gold in U.S.California gold rush doubled the world's supply of gold.
James W. Marshall discovered gold at Sutter'sMill, California.
Forty Niners were gold seekers who moved to San Francisco in 1848 as part of gold rush.
Boomtowns were communities that popped up during gold rush
Levi Strauss was a Jewish immigrant who sold good pants to the miners. It made him rich.
InterchangeableParts are parts that can be replaced without affecting the rest of the machine.
CottonGin was a machine which moved bad stuff out of cotton and was invented by Eli Whitney
Sectionalism was when you love the region more then the country
State rights were like when the states can do whatever they want with their property and federal government and southerners used that to show that they're not part of the union
Free states were states that did notallowslavery before American Civil War
Slave states were states that allowed slavery before the American Civil War.
Missouri Compromise was when they allowed Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state and balanced the states between slave states and free states
Compromiseof1850 was when California was admitted as a free state. Slavery was illegal in Kansas and Nebraska. Created Utah and New Mexico as slave state. Ended slave trading in Washington DC. Passed the Fugitive SlaveAct.
Popular Sovereignty - citizens rule
Fugitive Slave Act -to return the escaped slaves to their masters or they will be punished. It made the north angry and later they were on antislavery team
Henry Clay was a Congressman who was owning slaves in Kentucky. Led Congress in Missouri Compromise and the Compromiseof1850.
Kansas-Nebraska Act - when they allowed people in new territories to decide