IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments (IDEs) are the extension of text editors that provide more functionalities than a text editor
Text Editors are simple and light-weighted software which the main objective to provide an interface for code writing
Example text-editors
Programming language: C++
IDE : DevC++, Code Blocks, TurboC++, Borland C++
Programming language: Phyton
IDE : PyCharm
Programming language : Java
IDE : Eclipse
Text editor
The most important part of any IDE because it provides us with a Graphical interface to write our code
Code Auto- Completion Predict what are you going to type next and provide you with some suggestion so you do not have to write the complete statement again.
The codeauto-completion also helps in reducing the syntaxerror, for instance, if you open a bracket the IDE will simultaneously generate a close bracket so you do not need to worry about the closing part of the syntax.
SyntaxHighlighting feature makes your code colourful and also helps you to provide information using different colours, for instance, if there is a syntaxerror in your program, the IDE will Highlight that statement with different colours.
Every IDE's provide you with a COMPILER or interpreter so you can compile and execute your code to see the proper output.
Debugger : Using an IDE, it's become very easy to debug your code, here the syntax highlight feature also helps to find the errors in the program.
Features, of IDE
Text editor
Code Auto-completion
Syntax highlighting
Benefits of Using an IDE
It allows developers to increase their productivity.
2. It provides you with a GraphicalInterface and custom theme which makes fun to code on an IDE.
Limitations of IDE 1. IDE require high-endcomputers, computer with low specifications can face problems while booting an IDE.
2. IDE eats too many computer resources.
• Enter program statement to write a C++ program, you need to enter the program statements by using TextEditor and IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment (IDE)
Compile • Translating C++ into machine code / object code
• Compiler determines the syntax error detects grammatical (syntax) error not the program logic error
LinkRun the linker combine the machinecode with code from C++Library after compiles is successful
Execute Program One instruction at a time an application can be run