CSC 2.1 S2

Cards (20)

  • Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are the extension of text editors that provide more functionalities than a text editor
  • Text Editors are simple and light-weighted software which the main objective to provide an interface for code writing
  • Example text-editors
    1. Notepad
    2. Notepad++
  • Programming language: C++
    IDE : DevC++, Code Blocks, TurboC++, Borland C++
  • Programming language: Phyton
    IDE : PyCharm
  • Programming language : Java
    IDE : Eclipse
  • Text editor
    The most important part of any IDE because it provides us with a Graphical interface to write our code
  • Code Auto- Completion Predict what are you going to type next and provide you with some suggestion so you do not have to write the complete statement again.
  • The code auto-completion also helps in reducing the syntax error, for instance, if you open a bracket the IDE will simultaneously generate a close bracket so you do not need to worry about the closing part of the syntax.
  • Syntax Highlighting feature makes your code colourful and also helps you to provide information using different colours, for instance, if there is a syntax error in your program, the IDE will Highlight that statement with different colours.
  • Every IDE's provide you with a COMPILER or interpreter so you can compile and execute your code to see the proper output.
  • Debugger : Using an IDE, it's become very easy to debug your code, here the syntax highlight feature also helps to find the errors in the program.
  • Features, of IDE
    1. Text editor
    2. Code Auto-completion
    3. Syntax highlighting
    4. Compiler
    5. Debugger
  • Benefits of Using an IDE
    1. It allows developers to increase their productivity. 2. It provides you with a Graphical Interface and custom theme which makes fun to code on an IDE.
  • Limitations of IDE 1. IDE require high-end computers, computer with low specifications can face problems while booting an IDE. 2. IDE eats too many computer resources.
  • Edit • Enter program statement to write a C++ program, you need to enter the program statements by using Text Editor and Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • Compile • Translating C++ into machine code / object code • Compiler determines the syntax error detects grammatical (syntax) error not the program logic error
  • Link Run the linker combine the machine code with code from C++ Library after compiles is successful
  • Execute Program One instruction at a time an application can be run
  • How it works
    1. Edit program using editor (C++)
    2. C++ Compiler
    3. Linker