Cold War

Cards (3)

  • Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt met in the Yalta Conference (Feb 1945, held in Ukraine) to discuss the war and what would happen after the war end
    • Eastern boundary of Poland to be roughly that agreed by Stalin and Hitler in the Nazi-Soviet Pact
    • Proposal for Poland to receive part of eastern Germany, potentially along the Rivers Oder and Neisse, with no firm decision made
  • Agreements at the Yalta Conference:
    • 4 occupation zones in Germany after the War, with pressure from America and Britain for France to be included
    • Berlin to be split similarly
    • Destruction of Nazism and trial of its leaders for war crimes
    • Germany to pay reparations, with $10000 million to the USSR and $10000 million to other victims of Nazi aggression
    • Declaration on Liberated Europe: countries liberated by the Allies to have free and fair elections after the War
    • USSR to declare war on Japan within three months of the end of the war in Europe, regaining land lost to Japan after the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-5
    • Earlier plans for the United Nations Organisation to proceed, resolving issues over the power of veto and entitlement to membership
    • Involvement of Polish and Yugoslav governments in exile (in London) in running their countries after the War
    • Agreement for a coalition government in Poland, including westerners, and the holding of free and fair elections