Cards (12)

  • Technical writing involves gathering information from experts and presenting it in a clear, easily understandable form
  • It is a specialized form of exposition used in technical and occupational fields, especially in science, engineering, technology, and health sciences
  • Technical writing has been recognized as a profession since World War II
  • Aristotle's works and Pythagoras' doctrines are recognized as early forms of technical writing
  • Geoffrey Chaucer's "Treatise on the Astrolabe" is an example of a technical document from classical antiquity
  • Technical writing grew during the Industrial Revolution due to the need to instruct people on using complex machines
  • The 20th century saw a significant increase in the need for technical writing due to advances in medicine, technology, and aerospace
  • Technical writing is more focused on the subject matter than the writer's voice, using an objective and direct tone
  • Technical writing differs from other forms in its focus on audience, purpose, and use of prescriptive language
  • Technical writing aims to provide complex information in a clear and understandable manner
  • Technical writing is used in various forms such as instructions, lab reports, driving directions, and business letters
  • Technical writing is important in daily life as it helps individuals understand technology, processes, and concepts efficiently