Intro to Science

Cards (38)

  • Always wear safety glasses when doing experiments to protect the eyes, as they are the most vulnerable parts of our body
  • Safety glasses prevent anything from being splashed into the eyes during experiments
  • Stand up during an experiment to make it easy to get away quickly if something goes wrong
  • Tie up your hair and remove loose clothing when using a Bunsen Burner to prevent hair or clothes from falling into the flame and catching fire
  • Keep the workspace tidy and clear of clutter during experiments to avoid knocking anything over and into the experiment
  • Store chairs and bags under tables during experiments to prevent people from tripping and falling, and to allow for quick evacuation if needed
  • 5 Lab Safety rules are: Always wear safety glasses when doing
    experiments, Stand up during an experiment, Tie up your hair and remove loose clothing, Keep work space tidy clear of clutter, and Store chairs and bags under tables.
  • What do do if there is an accident in the lab?
    1. stop what you are doing immediately
    2. turn off Bunsen Burners (if it is on)
    3. Follow teachers instructions
    4. if your teacher cannot give instructions calmlyleave the room and notify another teacher
  • 6. Student with a burnrun under cold water for 15 minutes.
  • Flammable
  • Oxidising Agent
  • Compressed gas cylinder
  • Explosive
  • Corrosive
  • Toxic
  • Serious Health Hazard
  • Health Hazard
  • Environmental Hazard
  • Rules for scientific drawings
    1.Use pencil
    2.Draw all straight lines using ruler
    3.Do not close off openings
    4. No shading or double lines
    5. Label
    6. Equipment should touch each
  • Safety flame
    air hole closed,
    • not very hot
    • not used for heating
  • Roaring flame:
    air hole open,
    very hot flame
    • used for heating
  • Distance: Symbol - d, SI unit - metres, SI symbol - m
  • Volume: Symbol - V, SI unit - Litres, SI symbol - L
  • Time: Symbol - t, SI unit - seconds, SI symbol - s
  • Mass: Symbol - m, SI unit - Kilograms, SI symbol - kg
  • Energy: Symbol - E, SI unit - Joules, SI symbol - J
  • Density: Symbol - D, SI unit - Grams per centimetre cubed, SI symbol - g/cm^3 or 9cm^-3
  • Speed: Symbol - V, SI unit - Metres per second, SI symbol - m/s or ms^-1
  • Acceleration: Symbol - a, SI unit - Metres per second per second, SI symbol - m/s^3 or ms-2
  • The volume of a liquid can be
    measured using a measuring
    • units litres (L) and
    millilitres (mL)
  • Observation: Using one or more of the 5 senses (most commonly sight) to directly experience events or things.
  • Independent variable (IV): What you are CHANGING (the cause)
  • Dependent variable (DV): What you are MEASURING (the effect)
  • Controlled Variables (CV): The Variables you keep the SAME to make sure investigation is fair and reasonable
  • Cutlass: Cross, units, title, label, axes, smooth curve or straight line, size
  • As the _______________ (IV) increases the
    _______________(DV) increases or decreases in increasing, decreasing or even amounts
  • Evaluation on CV
    1. What is the CV you will control
    2. How will you control it
    3. Why do you need to control it (what is the
    effect if not controlling it on DV)
  • Explain how to set up and use a Bunsen burner correctly

    1. Clear the area, tie up your hair and put your safety glasses on
    2. Firmly attach the hose to the gas tap
    3. Close the air hole
    4. Light the match and hold it over the burner
    5. Turn the gas tap on