section 1

Cards (17)

  • Resources are the inputs required for the production of goods and services

    • Land: natural resources like the surface of the earth, lakes, forests, etc.

    • Scarcity forces choices due to limited resources

    • Shows the maximum combination of two goods that can be produced with available resources
    • Scarcity is the lack of resources to satisfy all human wants and needs
    • Economic goods are scarce and have an opportunity cost, while free goods are abundant
    • Points on the curve are attainable, inside the curve is inefficient, outside is unattainable
    • Outward shift in PPC indicates economic growth, inward shift indicates economic shrinkage
    • Opportunity cost can be calculated from PPC diagrams to compare different decisions
    • Opportunity cost is the next best alternative given up when a choice is made
    • Examples illustrate opportunity cost in decision-making
    • Labour: human resources in terms of mental and physical efforts
    • Capital: man-made resources like tools and machinery
    • Enterprise: the ability to take risks and run a business venture
  • Land: natural resources such as land or minerals
  • Economic Growth: an increase in real GDP over time
  • Economic growth refers to an increase in real GDP over time, which means that more goods and services are being produced.
  • Inflation: general rise in prices across the economy