Cards (32)

  • Branding plays a crucial role in marketing communications
  • Brand positioning and repositioning strategies are essential in marketing
  • Information needed to select appropriate target markets is crucial for marketing success
  • Segmentation and positioning strategies are vital for selecting the target audience(s) for an Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) plan
  • The consumer decision-making process is closely related to marketing communication
  • The consumer decision-making process varies for different types of purchases
  • Target market and target audience have similarities and differences
  • Options for making a target audience decision for marketing communication should be carefully considered
  • A profile of the target audience is important for message, media, and IMC tool decisions
  • Consumers engage in processes and activities when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services to satisfy needs and desires
  • Need recognition is the first stage in the consumer decision-making process
  • Consumer motivation influences the decision-making process
  • Information search is the second stage in the consumer decision-making process
  • External sources of information play a crucial role in the decision-making process
  • Consumers in the information stage are in "active shopping mode"
  • Marketers formulate communication strategies based on how consumers acquire and use information from external sources
  • Perception is crucial in the consumer decision-making process
  • Consumers filter marketing stimuli through selective perception
  • Consumers use mnemonics to assist in learning and memory processes
  • Alternative evaluation is the third stage in the consumer decision-making process
  • The evoked set is a subset of all brands of which the consumer is aware
  • L'Oréal's ads contribute to high levels of brand awareness
  • Products are viewed as bundles of attributes in the evaluative criteria
  • Consumers view products or services in terms of their consequences in the evaluative criteria
  • Consumers make a purchase decision in the fourth stage of the decision-making process
  • Purchase Decision Process:
    • Consumer stops searching for and evaluating alternative brands in the evoked set
    • Starts with a purchase intention, which is a predisposition to buy a certain brand
    • The purchase decision is not the actual purchase; the consumer must implement the decision and make the purchase
    • Additional decisions may be needed, and there is often a time delay between making a purchase decision and the actual purchase
    • The time delay affects the marketing strategy and depends on the type of purchase to be made and the risk involved
  • Brand Loyalty and Purchase Decision:
    • Consumers may have a preference for a certain brand, leading to repeated purchases
    • Market leaders may use ads to support brand loyalty
  • Post-Purchase Decision:
    • After purchase, the consumer assesses the level of performance of the product or service through post-purchase evaluation
    • Satisfaction is a judgment consumers make regarding the pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment
    • Cognitive dissonance may occur, which is a feeling of psychological tension or doubt after making a difficult purchase choice
  • Group Decision Making:
    • Group situations constitute many purchase decisions
    • A group is defined as two or more individuals who share norms, values, or beliefs and have interdependent behavior
    • Roles in family decision-making process include: Initiator, Information provider, Influencer, Decider, Purchaser, and Consumer
  • Target Audience and Marketing Planning:
    • Consumer understanding is crucial for the success of any Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) plan, program, or ad
    • The target market is the focus of the firm's marketing effort, and strategies are developed to achieve objectives
    • Segmentation variables include geographic, demographic, socioeconomic, psychographic, and behavioral dimensions
  • Promotional Planning Process:
    • The promotional planner must consider if the target segment is substantial enough and accessible
    • More precise understanding of a segment is achieved through segmentation, but fewer customers may be in each segment
    • Target Audience Options include Brand Loyal Customers, Non-Customers, Favourable Brand Switchers, New category users, Other brand switchers, and Other brand loyals
  • IMC Planning:
    • Target Audience Profile is essential for directing decisions in the promotional plan
    • Profile for Messages: Content must be consistent with the audience's background for effective messaging
    • Profile for Media: Detailed profile allows precise delivery in a medium with excellent target audience reach
    • Profile for IMC Tools: Sufficient profiling aligns tools closely with the target audience