e.g sub-Saharan Africa where decrease in mortality are not accompanied by decline in fertility.
Prolonged life in ACs means that degenerative illnesses have increased.
In ACs, overnutrition and excess consumption of sugar, fats and salts has increased the incidence of non-communicable diseases such as cardio vascular disease and type-2 diabetes.
LIDCs in tropical and sub-tropical locations are more susceptible to communicable diseases such as malaria and sleeping sickness.
Communicable diseases account for majority of deaths in the poorest countries due to poverty, lack of resources, poor hygiene, lack of sanitation, water pollution and inadequate nutrition.
Overnutrition in EDCs increasing due to dietary choices changing. Other non-communicable diseases (e.g. cancer) are now increasing in EDCs and LIDCs.
Communicable diseases have been largely eliminated in ACs due to diagnoses, treatment, high standards of living, clean water and good nutrition.