
Cards (16)

  • Climate limits the types of agriculture possible.
  • The Mezzogiorno has a Mediterranean Climate.
  • During Summer temperatures Ave 29 degrees in summer due to the Azores High Pressure Belt(anticyclone) and the Sirocco – hot dry wind from Africa( carries sand and can destroy crops such as vines).
  • High temperature has led to intensive growing of citrus fruits, allowing for early ripening of crops.
  • Sicily produces 2/3 of Italy's citrus fruits.
  • Summer Drought due to the Azores high pressure belt.
  • Little clouds and often only 20-40 mm of  rain falls in Summer months (May, June, July) As a result, there is a  short growing season and this limits the possibilities for growing crops.
  • Irrigation schemes are required and these can be expensive.
  • 1 million hectares of land are irrigated annually mainly for the growth of olives, vines and citrus fruits.
  • Difficulties exist with irrigation schemes e.g. high evaporation rates leading to a reduction in river volume.
  • Olives are grown throughout the year as they are drought resistant.
  • Olives have thick barks and waxy leaves to keep in moisture. Their deep tap roots can reach water deep underground.
  • In winter there is more rain in the winter as  depressions bring rain.
  • There is more rain in the west than east due to the presence of the Apennine mountains. This is known as relief rain
  • Temperatures are milder in winter ave. 11 degrees.
  • Upland areas are cooler than lowland areas. As a result most agriculture happens in winter.