Fissure - Elongated fracture crack on Earth's crust from which lava erupts.
Conduit - Passageway through which magma travels to reach Earth's surface.
Vent - Opening where volcanic materials are released.
Crater - bowl-shaped depression at the top of the volcano where the vent is located.
Flank - sides of a volcano.
Magma chamber or reservoir - Underground compartment where the magma is stored.
Composite Cone volcano - Steep upper slopes and relaxed lower slopes, small crater on it's summit.
Stratovolcanoes are the most dangerous volcanoes.
Shield Volcanoes - Usually low and broad, Resembling a warriors armor shield or a giant blob.
Cinder cone volcanoes - Short-lived and appear like a wild fountain show.
Hawaiian Eruption - Least violent type of eruption.
Strombolian - Caused by the build up and release of gas bubbles within the magma.
Vulcanian - Caused by build up of pressure from high vicious magma.
Pelean - High speeds of ash gas and volcanic ashes down the slope.
phreatic - also known as a steamblast eruption, occurs when groundwater is heated by magma or hot rock beneath the
ground, leading to a sudden release of steam.