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  • Volcanoes -are sources of geothermal energy
  • active (has erupted in the last 10,000 yrs)
  • inactive/dormant/potentially active (no activity during the last 10,000 yrs)
  • extinct (no written records of activity: considered
  • Volcano - is an elevated landform with an opening at the top called its crater, from where volcanic materials are ejected.
  • Mantle -about 2890 km thick. Composed of dense but malleable rocks in the upper layer, and denser but solid rocks in the lower layer
  • Subduction -heavier tectonic plate sinking to the mantle and the lighter plate rising above it.
  • Tectonic plates -that comprise the crust are in constant but slow motion.
  • Magma -semi-molten (not totally liquid) rock. extremely hot liquid and semi-liquid rock located under Earth's surface.
  • Lava -Once the magma reaches the crust, it is called lava that flows over the surface.
  • Fissure - elongated fracture or crack on Earth's crust from which lava erupts.
  • Conduit -passage way through which magma travels to reach Earth's surface.
  • Vent -opening where volcanic materials are released.
  • Crater -bowl-shaped depression at the top of the volcano where the vent is located.
  • Flank -sides of a volcano
  • Magma Chamber or reservoir -underground compartment where the magma is stored.
  • Stratovolcano -is formed by highly viscous or thick, slow-movinglava.-Also termed as composite cone volcano. -the most dangerous volcanoes.
  • Shield Volcano -formed by loose and fluid lava that flows over eachother. -resembling a warrior's armored shield.
  • Cinder Cone -also known as scoria cone -formed by fluid lava that is ejected becauseof highpressure that builds up in the magma chamber.
  • Caldera Complex -A caldera is a depressionformedatthe summit of shield volcanoes. when these calderasexplode, they collapse over each other, creatingnewdepressions or calderas instead of adding or increasingthe size of the volcano.
  • Lava Dome -Lava domes are mounds of lavaformedafter a volcanic eruption. Its magma has highlevelsofsilica and low amounts of dissolved gases. Theycanform inside the crater of the volcano or alongItsslopes.
  • Submarine Volcanoes-These are volcanoes ontheocean floor and are formed through collisionof oceanicplates.
  • Glacial Volcanoes -These are volcanoes that areoverlain by glaciers. Examples include the AlaskanVolcano
  • Blasts -These are hot bursts of trapped gases that pushtheir way through solid barriers and rapidlyintotheatmosphere.
  • Dome Growth -This refers to the mound of lavathatgrows inside the crater, called cryptodome. If it grows outside the volcano, it is called an exodome.
  • Lahar -Also called mudflow or flow of volcanic debris.
  • Lava flow -Refers to the molten rocks that move down the slope of volcanic vents.
  • Pyroclastic flow -Refers to glowing hot material that moves down the slope of an erupting volcano and comes in contact with the surface.
  • Pyroclastic surges -These are volcanic materials of gases, ash, rock fragments, and water extruded above the ground.
  • Tephra Falls -Consist of combination of pumice, scoria (basalt), thick rock fragments, and crystals with tephra particles.
  • Ash Plume -Cloud of ash that comes out of the crater
  • Geology - Is a branch of science that deals with the study of the physical and historical aspects of Earth. Earth’s composition, structure, and dynamic processes, as well as organisms that inhabit it.
  • Geochemistry -Chemical composition andchangesofmaterials that make up Earth
  • Geophysics - Behavior of Earth in responsetophysicalforces
  • Mineralogy -chemical composition andstructureofminerals
  • Petrology -Composition and origin of rocks
  • Paleontology -Fossils or remains of organisms
  • Paleography -Geologic maps and locationoflandmasses that may have been lost
  • Igneous rocks - rocks form from the cooling and hardening of molten magma. These rocks can form by slowly cooling beneath the surface or more quickly at the surface.
  • Intrusive rocks - inside the volcano,Formed from magma that cools and solidifies within the crust