Cultural change is the modification of a society through innovation, invention, discovery, or contact with other societies.
Societal change is the alteration of mechanisms within the social structure, characterized by changes in cultural symbols, rules of behavior, social organizations, or value systems.
Political change refers to a subject matter that is in constant flux. It deals not only with the major processes of growth , decay and breakdown but also with a ceaseless ferment of adaptation and adjustment of political systems
Political change highlights the magnitude and variety of the changes that occurred in the world’s political systems.
Innovation Is the invention of something new-an idea, a process, a practice, a device, or a tool.
Anthropologists Leslie White (1949) maintains that the rate of change is tied to the size of the cultural base, the number of pre-existing inventions.
INNOVATION denotes “the act or process of inventing or introducing something new”
PRIMARY INVENTION Occurs when an individual or a group comes up with a completely new idea, method, or device
SECONDARY INVENTION Occurs when an individual or a group further develops or improves on an already existing idea, method or device.
DIFFUSION The act of spreading culture, tradition, objects and ideas to other societies.
ACCULTURATION is a process by which a minority community in a place absorbs and adapts to some aspects of the majority culture but retains its own culture
ASSIMILATION basically means becoming part of something bigger or integration into larger group.
INTER-ETHNIC CONFLICTS (Ethnic war)Is an armed conflict between ethnic groups. “It contrasts with civil war on one hand
CLASS STRUGGLE Refers to fight or battle for power between classes.
The armed conflict between two or more government is called war. When such a conflict assumes that global proportions, it is known as world war.Civil war, on the other hand, is the armed conflict between different parts or factions of the same nation.
TERRORISM Is politically-oriented violence or threat of violence
PROTEST Is a demonstration of dissent or disapproval, especially in a formal way.
CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE is the refusal to obey civil laws or decrees which normally takes form of passive resistance.
FASTING is abstention from food, and usually also from drink, for a longer than usual period.
REBELLION is an armed hostility to an established government (or another authority) by a portion of those subject to its jurisdiction.
The actions of leaders represent a trigger to social change
social conflict is defined as the struggle for agency or power in society.
BOYCOTT refers to refusal of a group to deal or associate with another group, an individual, an organization, or a nation.
REVOLUTION has been depicted as a rebellion that is successful in overthrowing government.