A state of quietness or inactivity, critical to ensure lifelong tissue maintenance and to protect the stem cell pool from premature exhaustion under conditions of various stresses
Osteoblasts and endothelial cells express regulatory components that influence stem cell function
Egress into and out of the marrow by HSCs require transit into and out of the vascular niche, which is permissive for proliferation and differentiation. The endosteal niche facilitates HSC maintenance and quiescence.
Quiescent stem cells are anchored in the center of the niche, whereas self-renewing stem cells are located close to the border separating the niche from the non-niche microenvironment
Patients given combinations of synthetic G-CSF (Plerixafor) and EGFR inhibitor (Erlotinib) to expand and mobilize HSCs from bone marrow to peripheral blood for harvesting