Oral Cavity - it is the space bounded by the lips anteriorly, cheeks laterally, floor of the mouth inferiorly, and the pharynx superiorly
2 compartments of oral cavity: oral vestibule and oral cavity proper
oral vestibule - bounded facially: mucosa, labially: mucosaofthelips, bucally: mucosa of thelips, orally: alveolar mucosa, gingiva, and facial surfaces of the teeth
oral cavity proper - bounded anterolaterally: oral surfaces of the teeth and gingiva, cranially: mucosa of the hard and soft palate, caudally: mucosa of the tongue and floor of the mouth, posteriolaterally: anterior pillar of the fauces and tonsils
Enumerate the lingual papillae
filiform papilla - it has no taste function
fungiform papilla - it is for the perception of sweet and salty taste
foliate papilla - it is for the perception of sour taste
circumvallate papilla - it is for the perception of bitter taste
enumerate the paraoral tissues
lips, cheeks, teeth and its supporting structures, tongue, floor of the mouth,floor of the mouth, tonsils, salivary gland