Martin Hoyle Review

Cards (7)

  • Audience?
    FT weekend readers.
    Hoyle lexical choices suggest an assumed audience with shared cultural limier.
    Assumed audience of watchers of season 1
  • Purpose?
    To evaluate series,, to persuade to watch the second season.
  • Context?
    TV, Radio and film critic = has credibility
    Nordic noir = popular crime genre
  • Mode + genre conventions
    Credible TV Show review
    Intertextual references
    Mixture of register
    Descriptive language
  • Voice?
    Evaluative (positive)
    Dramatic (hooks)
  • Key techniques?
    Juxtapositions throughout
    Echoes the stories narrative
  • 'we plunge into the dark world of terrorism, mass killing and poisonous grudges underlying humane, orderly Nordic society.'
    'we plunge' collective pronoun
    Syndetic listing creates a sense of scale of sinister society