
Cards (4)

  • To maintain records of business
    • Primary objective is to maintain a systematic and up-to-date record of all financial transactions.
    • Involves identifying transactions of financial nature, measuring them in terms of money, recording them in books of accounts, and classifying them under appropriate heads.
  • Calculation of Profit and Loss
    • To ascertain the net results of day-to-day transactions during a specific period of time.
    • For this purpose, an income statement or profit and loss account is prepared.
  • Depiction of Financial Position
    • A business wants to know its financial position at the end of a particular period.
    • A balance sheet is prepared, showing the assets, capital and liabilities of the firm
  • To make info available to various groups and users
    • To communicate the financial facts of the firm to various interested parties.
    • On the basis of such information, these users of accounting can take sound and realistic economic decisions.