Common adverse events of chemotherapy include myelosuppression, alopecia, mucositis, N&V, cutaneous reactions, infertility and secondary maglinacies, extravasation
Myelosuppression is a delayed adverse reaction
Why granulocytes are most significantly affected by chemotherapy?
Because WBCs can rapidly proliferate and have a shorter life span
When neutropenia occurs and take how long to recover?
WBC nadir: 7-14 days after chemotherapy administration
Recover by: 3-4 weeks
Why neutropenic patient is at risk of infection?
disrupted integrity of physical defense barriers
What is the management of neutropenia?
Granulocyte-colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF)
What is the criteria for febrile neutropenia?
>38.0 for 1 hour
<1.0x10^9?L and expected to fall below <0.5 over 48 hours
What is the use of Multinational Association Supportive care in cancer (MASCC) risk index?
to evaluate the patient risk and suitability for outpatient treatment or hospitalization
>21 = low risk
<21 = high risk
What is the treatment of febrile neutropenia?
Empirical antibiotic therapy. Should be initiated within the first hour of triage.
High risk:
IV piperacillin/tazobactam (or)
IV cefepime
(+) metronidazole if pt has severe mucositis, intro-abdominal infection or other suspected anaerobic infection
IV carbapenem (except ertapenem)
Low risk:
oral ciprofloxacin + amoxicillin/clavulanate
What is the criteria for Cancer-related Anemia?
-Hb <11g/dL
-decrement of >2g/dL from the baseline
What is the mainstay treatment of cancer-related anemia?
blood transfusion
What are the other treatment of cancer-related anemia? (besides blood transfusion)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of erythropoietin?
Erythropoietin takes weeks to elicit full respond.
effectively maintain the target Hb level
reduce transfusion requirement
thromboembolism (black-box warning)
increase mortality
promote tumor progression
When not to use erythropoietin?
-not receiving any chemotherapy treatment
-cancer is curative
-chemotherapy is non-myelosuppressive
What is the mainstay treatment of thrombocytopenia?
platelet transfusions
reserved for patient with a platelet count of <10,000 cells/mm3
Besides platelet transfusion, what are the other treatment of thrombocytopenia?