Cards (42)

  • Nervous system - major control of homeostasis and the “main processing center”.
  • nervous system - provides monitoring, response, and regulation of all systems in the human body and other organisms.
  • nervous system is divided into 2:
    central nervous system
    peripheral nervous system
  • central nervous system:
    spinal cord
  • central nervous system - made up of brain and spinal cord. Acts as body’s control center, coordinates body’s activities
  • CNS and PNS - work together to make a rapid changes in your body in response to stimuli.
  • autonomic nervous system - nerves that are close to spinal cord
  • autonomic nervous system divided into 2:
  • sympathetic - stress
  • parasympathetic - relaxed
  • nervous system is known as the main processing center.
  • SNS - focuses on voluntary activities.
  • ANS - focuses on involuntary activities
  • example of involuntary activities :
    heart beat
  • SNS - these nerves are around the body (periphera)
  • 3 dimension of brain:
    brain stem
  • cerebrum - control’s conscious activities such as intelligenc, memory, language. (brain)
  • 4 lobes of cerebrum:
    parietal lobe
    occipital lobe
    frontal lobe
    temporal lobe
  • temporal lobe - having to do with memory, emotion, hearing, and language. (lobe)
  • frontal lobe - having to do with decision making, solving problems, and planning. (lobe)
  • parietal lobe - having to do with reception and processing of sensory information from the body.
  • occipital lobe - concerned with vision. (lobe)
  • cerebellum - where muscle coordination developed here as well as the memory of physical skills.
  • brain stem - controls involuntary activities such as breathing and heart beat.
  • cell body - soma
  • dendrites - receive messages from other cells.
  • axon - passes messages away from the cell body to other neuron, muscles, and glands.
  • myelin sheath - covers axon of some neurons and helps speed neural impulses.
  • terminal buttons - form junctions with other cells.
  • space next to terminal buttons is called synapse.
  • stimulus - anything that can trigger a physical or behavioral change.
  • all sensory organs are called receptors
  • sensory neuron - type of neuron or nerve cells that connects sensory organs to CNS.
  • relay neuron - carries impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons
  • motor neuron - carries impulses from the CNS to the effector / muscles
  • motor neuron - relays message from CNS to the muscles (neuron)
  • space between neurons / nerve cells are called synapse
  • 3 types of neurons
    sensory neuron
    relay neuron
    motor neuron
  • muscle - effector
  • eyes - receptor