Cards (14)

  • In 2011, the war that began in 2003 with the American Led invasion of Iraq officially ended
  • For authenticity, most of the supporting cast were locals.
  • Ree's sister (Ashlee, Ashlee Thompson) was from the area and the exterior of her home in the film is her home.
  • The clothing was clothes of the locals. Townspeople were given brand new clothes in exchange for their old, frayed items to be used by the actors.
  • Winters bone falls into both the western genre and fairy tale genre.
  • Winters bone as a film noir
    Mood = pessimistic
    Heroes = morally ambiguous
    Storylines = complex
    Themes = oppressive atmosohere of menace
    Aesthetic = low key lighting / shadows
    Settings = urban night scenes
  • Winters bone as a dark fairytale
    'while the films noir tropes are undoubted (mysterious missing person, antagonistic police, unforthcoming supporting cast, hero finding out what everyone else has known at end) it goes beyond simply that. The film has fairy tale elements, it gains resonance when viewed through the lens of mythic'
  • Winters bone as a western
    BInary opposition
  • Who was the cinematographer?
  • Based on Woodrell (man) novel, yet Granik removed scenes sexualising Ree
  • How is it an independent film?
    It is low budget, uses unknown actors, made outside of a studio system
  • Set in the Ozark community in Missouri (aka the forgotten America)
  • What are the effects to the economic instability of the Ozark?

    Drug Use
    Lack of opportunity
    Separation from mainstream America
  • What are the effects to a socially marginalised community?

    Inward looking
    High value to loyalty