Cards (15)

  • the male gamete is the pollen grain
  • pollination is when the pollen lands on the stigma
  • pollination occurs when the stigma receives pollen from another flower
  • seed dispersal is how seeds are spread around by wind or animals
  • a seed contains food, water and oxygen stored inside it so that the embryo can grow into a new plant
  • germination is when the seed starts growing into a new plant
  • water dispersal is when seeds sink to the bottom of water bodies and grow there
  • in germination, the shoot grows upwards towards light
  • wind dispersal is when seeds float away with the wind and land somewhere else
  • when the roots reach the soil they start absorbing water and minerals
  • in germination, the root grows downwards to get access to water and nutrients
  • animal dispersal is when an animal eats fruit containing seeds, which then passes through their digestive system and out as faeces
  • seeds have a protective coat to protect them until they germinate
  • seed dispersal is how seeds are spread around
  • stamens have anthers which contain pollen grains