
Cards (66)

    • State is a union of families and villages having for its end a perfect and self-sufficing life by which we mean a happy and honorable life.
  • State is a particular portion of mankind viewed as an organized unit.
  • State by John William Burgess is a particular portion of mankind
  • State is what according to Aristotle?
    Union of families
  • The modern term “state” is derived from the word “status”.
  • Who first used the term state in his writings?
  • What is the significant work of Niccolo Machiavelli where he first used the term state?
    The Prince
  • The state is the most universal and most powerful of all institutions. The state is a natural institution.
  • State is a people organized for law within a definite territory.
  • State by US Pres. Woodrow Wilson is?
    People organized for law within a definite territory.
  • The state is an association that claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of violence?
    Max Weber
  • State is a numerous assemblage of human beings, generally occupying a certain territory?
    Alisha Holland
  • The state is an association which, acting through law as promulgated by a government endowed to this end with coercive power, maintains within a community territorially demarcated the universal external conditions of social order?
    Robert M. Maclver
  • A state is a community of persons, more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control?
    James W. Garner
  • What are the four elements of state?
    People, Territory, Government, and Sovereignty
  • People refers to the mass of population living within the state.
    • “People” answers the question, “who governs whom?” 
  • “…the state shall neither be too small nor yet one that seems great but has no unity.”?
  • “the number should be neither too large nor too small; It should be large enough to be self-sufficing and small enough to be well governed.”?
  • Territory is the demarcated area that rightly belongs to the population.
  • “Territory” answers the question, “where?”
  •  A definite portion of the surface of the earth which is the subject of the jurisdiction and sovereign rights of a state in accordance with the international law?
  • What are the domains of territory?
    Terrestrial, fluvial/maritime, and aerial
  • Does the territory include the seabed and subsoil?
  • Vatican is the smallest with a total land area of 0.44 km2; Russia is the largest with 17,098,242 km2.
  • There can be no state without?
  • Government is the agency to which the will of the state is formulated, expressed, and carried out.
  • It is an institution or aggregate of institutions by which an independent society makes and carries out those rules of action necessary to enable men to live in a social state, or that which are imposed upon the people by those who possess the power or authority of prescribing them?
    • Sovereignty is the supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience its will from the people within its jurisdiction, and corollarily, to have freedom from foreign control.
  • The word “sovereignty” means supreme and final legal authority above and beyond which no legal power exists.
  • Sovereignty has two aspects, what are they?
    Internal and external
  • Internal sovereignty which means that the State is supreme over all its citizens, and associations.
    1. External sovereignty which means that the state is independent and free from foreign or outside control.
  • What are the qualifying elements?
    International recognition and level of civilization
  • It refers to acknowledgement from the world?
    International Recognition
  • It is a high level of formal organization?
    Level of civilization
  • It shall remain to be only a de facto state.
  • The Divine Right Theory holds that the state is of divine creation and the ruler is ordained by God to govern the people.
  • The rulers of the past advocated the political dominance of authority and power through their own ordained mandate that they represented the state as on the basis of the divine right (as God created the state).
  • What is the oldest theory concerned in the origin of state?
    Divine Right Theory