primary hypertension has no identifiable cause while secondary hypertension is associated with a specific disease like renal disease
primary hypertension may be due to sodium retention leading to increase in blood pressure
increases cardiacoutput
primary hypertension associated with vasoconstriction and increased wall thickness
increases total peripheral resistance
ace inhibitors treat hypertension by blocking angiotensin II production, leading to vasodilation, decreased aldosterone (less water retention) and increased bradykinin
calcium channel blockers:
dihydropyridines (DHPs) bind to L type calcium channels when inactivated, while non DHPs bind when open
means DHPs are more selective to vascular smooth muscle as this has increased inactivated channels at rest
leads to decreased calcium influx, decreasing resistance and arterial blood pressure
calcium channel blockers side effects = headache, flushing and ankle oedema
thiazide diuretics are used to treat hypertension
side effects = hypokalaemia, diabetes, gout
betablockers block NAd binding and decrease cardiac output and blood pressure