music for a while

Cards (23)

  • Appoggiatura - grace note (Bar 27)
  • Bass viol: similar to a cello ( more strings) (Bar 34)
  • Basso continuo: double the bass line with chordal instrument (Bar 12)
  • Chromaticism: notes that don't belong in the key (Bar 12)
  • Conjunct: moving in step
  • Dissonance: E dash (Bar 1)
  • Figured bass: Code for chords (Bar 12)
  • Functional harmony: chords are used throughout the piece
  • Grace notes: decorative (Bar 2)
  • Ground bass: a repeating bass line (Bar 12)
  • Harpsichord: a keyboard instrument
  • Homophonic: melody and accompliment
  • Key chord: string (Bar 1)
  • Melisma, Mordent, Passing notes, Perfect cadence, Sequence, Suspensions, Syllabic, Wordpainting are terms related to Purcell's music
  • Word painting in music involves composing music that reflects the meaning of the lyrics
  • Syllabic singing is when each syllable of a word is sung to a different note
  • A perfect cadence is a harmonic progression that gives a sense of resolution
  • Suspensions in music are dissonant harmonies that resolve to consonant ones
  • A sequence in music is a repeated melodic or harmonic pattern at a higher or lower pitch
  • Passing notes are non-chord notes that connect two chord notes
  • Melisma is a group of notes sung to one syllable of text
  • Mordent is a musical ornament indicating a rapid alternation between a note and the note above or below it
  • the three main elements of music are melody, harmony and rhythm